
God My Refuge

This is a passage is one that I keep coming back to.  Did you know the word refuge is in the Psalms 25 times?  God is our refuge, our place of safety, shelter, and protection from the storms of life.  

This shelter brings personal aid and relief to His children.  We are covered with His feathers and sheltered by His wings.  This speaks of a nearness and an intimacy God has with us.  And lastly His faithful promises are our armor and protection.  

This is one of my favorite pictures.  God’s faithful promises fasten themselves around me like armor that protects when I meditate and hide his truths in my heart.  

What truths are you clinging to and finding hope in during these challenging and difficult days?  Share them with me and someone else that they too may be encouraged.  Oh how we need one another!  Let us encourage and build each other up!  1 Thes. 5:11